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Salam Ke-Manusiaan... Untuk Palestina

Salam Ke-Manusiaan...

Mari kita dukung Misi Kemanusiaan MER-C ke Palestina.


Kirim ke 7505 (berlaku bagi semua operator)

untuk memberikan donasi Rp 5000,-

Rp.5000 mungkin kecil tetapi kalau terkumpul dari bangsa Indonesia tentu sangat berarti bagi saudara kita di Palestina.

Mohon sampaikan email ini ke semua saudara, sahabat dan kolega.

paling tidak ini yang bisa kita lakukan sodaraku...

KESEJAHTERAAN - Nasib Korban Konflik Dipertanyakan

Nasib Korban Konflik Dipertanyakan
Jumat, 2 Januari 2009 | 01:12 WIB

Jakarta, Kompas - Kelangsungan hidup sedikitnya 1.300 warga Dusun Suluk Bongkal, Desa Beringin, Kabupaten Bengkalis, Kepulauan Riau, yang sebagian besar melarikan diri masuk ke hutan setelah penyerangan polisi pada 18 Desember 2008 hingga sekarang masih dipertanyakan. Pemerintah didesak untuk menyatakan penyerangan itu sebagai pelanggaran hak asasi manusia.

”Suplai makanan tidak bisa kami sampaikan karena tidak diketahui keberadaan dan kelangsungan hidup warga yang melarikan diri ke hutan-hutan,” kata Kepala Departemen Advokasi dan Jaringan Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (Walhi) Teguh Surya dalam konferensi pers bersama Kongres Aliansi Serikat Buruh Indonesia (Kasbi) dan Federasi Serikat Pekerja Pulp dan Kertas Indonesia (FSP2KI), Rabu (31/12) di Jakarta.

Penyerangan Dusun Suluk Bongkal terkait penggusuran warga yang dianggap menempati lokasi pemberian hak pengusahaan hutan tanaman industri (HPHTI) kepada perusahaan swasta yang diizinkan mengelola areal seluas 299.975 hektar sesuai Surat Keputusan Menteri Kehutanan Nomor 743/Kpts-II/ 1996.

Walhi mendukung warga untuk bersikeras mempertahankan lokasi dengan dasar penetapan Dusun Suluk Bongkal sah sebagai perkampungan yang ditetapkan Bupati Bengkalis, 12 Maret 2007, seluas 4.856 hektar. Hal itu tertuang pula di dalam Lembaran Pemkab Bengkalis.

PHK buruh

Pada konferensi pers tersebut, Sekretaris Jenderal (Sekjen) Kasbi Khamid Istakhori dan Sekjen FSP2KI Etin Rodiana menyampaikan, saat ini terjadi akal-akalan perusahaan industri pulp dan kertas melalui pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) terhadap para buruhnya dengan alasan kekurangan pasokan bahan baku. Padahal, PHK itu digunakan sebagai upaya negosiasi perusahaan dengan pemerintah untuk menambah luasan izin pengelolaan hutan alam.

”Serikat buruh menolak tegas dilakukannya PHK sebelum diketahui kapasitas pasokan bahan baku dari areal hutan yang dikelola setiap perusahaan sesuai perizinan yang dimiliki,” kata Etin. (NAW)

Duh! Nelayan Cuma Melaut 180 Hari Setahun

Duh! Nelayan Cuma Melaut 180 Hari Setahun

Vina Nurul Iklima

( Raya Abdullah)
INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Gejala krisis ikan nasional telah menunjukkan wujudnya. Hal ini makin beratnya beban hidup nelayan nusantara. Frekuensi nelayan melaut sepanjang tahun 2008 hanya 180 hari.

"Dalam sebulan rata-rata frekuensi melaut hanya 9-15 hari. Dengan kata lain, frekuensi nelayan melaut sepanjang tahun 2008 hanya sekitar 180 hari," kata pakar Kelautan M Riza Damanik dalam Evaluasi Total Indonesia di 2008 di Jakarta, Senin (29/12).

Selain itu sebagian hari lainnya, perahu nelayan tradisional tidak beroperasi atau hanya bersandar di pantai. Faktor dominan fenomena ini ada beberapa hal.
"Adanya keterbatasan alat tangkap dan kurangnya permodalan, wilayah tangkapan yang tercemar, perubahan cuaca yang tidak menentu dan pasang tinggi," ujar Riza.
Riza mengatakan dari semua itu faktor yang mendasar adalah akibat kenaikan harga BBM. 4 Dari 10 armada perikanan tadisional tidak dapat melaut.

Menurutnya, tren impor yang terus membesar adalah konsekuensi dari kekeliruan kebijakan ekspor perikanan nasional yang dilakukan oleh pemerintahan. Selain itu, lanjutnya, volume impor dalam empat tahun terkahir mengalami lonjakan lebih dari 100 persen menjadi 104.800 ton per Januari-Oktober 2008.
"Hal itu karena SBY-JK tidak punya prespektif yang handal dan tegas terhadap wilayah pesisir kelautan Indonesia," ungkap Riza.
Harus ada pembenahan mengenai masalah nelayan dan masyarakat di pesisir. "Tahun 2009 pemimpin nasional ke depan harus mampu mengoperasionalkan model pembangunan negara kelautan sebagai basis pilihan kebijakannya, " kata dia.
Hal itu menurut Riza karena karakter ekologis, ekonomi sosial, dan politik dengan segenap potensi, tidak ada alasan untuk tidak memperkuat ranah kelautan nasional. [ikl/ana]

http://inilah. com/berita/ politik/2008/ 12/29/72007/ duh-nelayan- cuma-melaut- 180-hari- setahun/

29/12/2008 - 20:20

M.Riza Damanik
Secretary General of KIARA (Fisheries Justice Coalition)

Address. Jl. Tegal Parang Utara No. 43
Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan
Mobile. +62 818773515
Telp/Fax. +62 21 7970482Email: mriza_damanik@; riza.damanik@; riza@kiara.or. id
Website:www. kiara.or. id

‘NEW GLOBAL LAND GRAB’ : Rich states target poor’s farmland

Philippine Daily Inquirer

Posted date: January 05, 2009

KUALA LUMPUR—Resource- hungry nations are snapping up huge tracts of agricultural land in poor Asian nations, in what activists say is a “land grab” that will worsen poverty and malnutrition.

Global trends including high prices for oil and commodities, the biofuel boom and now the sweeping downturn are spurring import-reliant countries to take action to protect their sources of food.

China and South Korea, which are both short on arable land, and Middle Eastern nations flush with petrodollars, are driving the trend to sign up rights to swathes of territory in Asia and Africa.

In the Philippines, a series of high-profile deals has clashed with long-running demands for agrarian reform, including land redistribution.

The Department of Agrarian Reform said in 2007 it was looking at large tracts of land for agribusiness development under a memorandum of understanding signed with China. The memo calls for the development of land to grow hybrid corn, rice and sorghum.

Because of protests, the Department of Agriculture suspended plans to allow China to use 1.24 million hectares of Philippine agricultural land.

“It will aggravate the problem of landlessness, the insufficiency of land for Filipino peasants,” Anakpawis party-list Rep. Rafael Mariano said of the land deals.

Qatar lease of RP land

However, the Philippine government is undeterred and during President Macapagal-Arroyo’ s visit to Qatar in December, officials opened talks over the lease of at least 100,000 hectares of agricultural land to the emirate.

“Today’s food and financial crises have, in tandem, triggered a new global land grab,” the Spain-based agricultural rights group Grain said in a recent report.

The group said that some deals were targeted at boosting food security by producing crops that would be sent back home for consumption, while others were to establish money-making plantations like palm oil and rubber.

“As a result of both trends, fertile agricultural land is being swiftly privatized and consolidated by foreign companies in some of the world’s poorest and hungriest countries,” it said.

Daewoo deal in Madagascar

In one of the biggest deals, South Korea’s Daewoo Logistics said in November it would invest about $6 billion to develop 1.3 million hectares of land in Madagascar—almost half the size of Belgium.

Daewoo plans to produce 4 million tons of corn and 500,000 tons of palm oil a year, most of which will be shipped out of impoverished Madagascar—where the World Food Program (WFP) still provides food relief.

“We will build everything from ports and railways to markets on a barren and untouched area,” said Shin Dong-Hyun of Daewoo.

Although commodity prices have fallen from their highs earlier this year, resource-poor and heavily populated countries are still concerned about securing long-term supplies.

Walden Bello of the Bangkok-based advocacy group Focus on the Global South said the looming global recession was not likely to halt the trend which he fears will worsen the lot of landless peasants.

“In a situation where global agricultural production has become so volatile and unpredictable, I would not be surprised if the Middle Eastern countries that are engaged in this would continue to push on,” he told Agence France-Presse.

Bello said that many of the deals were struck in dysfunctional and corruption-ridden nations, and rejected claims the land being signed away is of poor quality, and that the projects will bring jobs and improve infrastructure.

“What we’re talking about is private parties using state contracts to enrich themselves,” he said. “It’s an intersection of corrupt governments and land-hungry nations.”

Kuwait loan for Cambodia

In Cambodia, where the WFP also supplies aid, oil-rich Kuwait in August granted a $546-million loan in return for crop production.

Undersecretary of State Suos Yara said Cambodia was also in talks with Qatar, South Korea, the Philippines and Indonesia over agricultural investments, including land concessions.

“If we do this work successfully, we can get at least $3 billion from these agricultural investments,” he said.

“With the (global financial) crisis, this is a chance for Cambodia to look to the future by pushing agriculture in order to attract foreign investments,” he added.

But opposition lawmaker Son Chhay said he was suspicious about why a wealthy nation like Kuwait needed to lease land to grow rice rather than just import the grain.

“Cambodian farmers need the land,” he said, urging the government to limit the area under lease and ensure Cambodia was not plundered by foreign nations.

Serious danger

Bello said he expected these sorts of deals to increase, forcing peasants from rural areas and into cities where together with the global downturn they will add to the ranks of the unemployed.

“It’s particularly explosive in those countries where you have a high degree of landlessness, like the Philippines where 7 out of every 10 rural people do not have access to land,” he said.

In the impoverished and corrupt dictatorship of Laos, some experts say that between 2 million and 3 million hectares have been parceled off in a rampant and uncontrolled process that has now been suspended by the government.

The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has sounded alarm over the loss of land in a country where in rural areas, every second child is malnourished and access to land for foraging of natural resources is critical.

“If the environment is changed, with the trees cut and replaced with industrial crops,” said FAO representative in Laos, Serge Verniau, “they can face serious danger.”
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